PVR - Rome

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Cari Amici e gentilissimi Clienti,

Vi informiamo che la Patrician Venues Rome non promuove e non rappresenta piu’ la Pinacoteca del Tesoriere nel rispetto della nostra esigente, affezionata e preziosa clientela sempre alla ricerca di locations di grande livello e in linea con le loro aspettative.

La Patrician Venues Rome continua la sua attività nel promuovere e rappresentare le sue altre sedi congressuali, dimore storiche di pregio e location prestigiose per ospitare i vostri prossimi eventi, convegni, congressi, serate di gala, esposizioni e mostre d’arte da tenersi a Roma.

Contattateci per ricevere maggiori informazioni sul nostro nuovo portfolio di sedi congressuali e location per eventi a Roma.

Dear Friends and Clients,

We inform you that Patrician Venues Rome does not promote and no longer represents the Pinacoteca del Tesoriere in respect of our demanding, loyal and precious clientele always looking for locations of great level and in line with their expectations.

Patrician Venues Rome continues its activity in promoting and representing its other conference venues, prestigious historic homes and important locations to host your upcoming events, conferences, congresses, gala evenings, exhibitions and fairs to be held in Rome.

Contact us for more information on our new portfolio of conference venues and event locations in Rome.

Patrician Venues Rome Srl

Tel. +39-06-68301354
Mob. +39-331-8800811

E-mail: info@patricianvenuesrome.com

For information on our new venues, sign-up to our news subscription service below.

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